Monday, February 11, 2008

Meet Tessa

First things first---I did not dress her in this outfit--it was all her. After I saw her, I immediatly thought of the song to your right. You must push play at the top right hand column( "Tessa's Song") and listen to this oldie while you read up on Tessa!!

1. Favorite color: (only color she even knows the word to--but cannot distinguish between pink or any other color out there--so, of course this would be her answer).

2. Favorite food: ummm...french fries (never has liked them since she was born).

3. Favorite thing to do with mommy: ummm...glove (glove what??? )

4. Favorite thing to do with daddy: walk (first one she hasn't lied about yet)

5. Favorite thing to play: colors (if you consider eating them play, then ok)

6. Favorite think to do in school: play (beeeep...wrong answer, your only 2)

7. Favorite clothes: this (said pointing to the stained, 3 hand me downs later, white onsie that is now gray).

8. Birthday: one (one what?)

9. Age: 2 ( child is gifted, just as I thought).

10. Which sibling do you like the best and why?: Thys (only said this, b/c Thys is sitting right next to her and mommy encouraged her to say this so that mommy didn't have to listen to Thys cry for the next 10 hours about how Tessa loves so and so more than him)

11. What do you want to be when you grow up: Tessa ( daughter is so comfortable
with who she is and so sure of herself at 2 yrs old)

12. If you could drive anything, what would you drive? horse (not a bad answer, since we do live in Dorr)

13. Would you rather have a kitty or a lion for a pet: kitty

14. Favorite tv show: Tubbles (I think that was meant to be Tubbies, as in Teletubbies, which I despise, so why would I even put it on for her--she maybe has watched it once)

15. Favorite song: Loves Me ("Jesus Loves Me"---my good CRC girl)

16. Favorite thing to do in the summer: slide (we own 2 swings, but no slide)

17. How much money are you going to make when you grow up: 2 ( oh boy)

18. How many kids are you going to have: 2 (I have a feeling she is not hearing my questio
ns and things I keep asking her how old she is)

19. How many bedrooms will your house have then: 2 (see what I mean??)

20. Who are you going to marry: mommy (who wants to explain this to her??)

21. Who will you live by when you grow up: Harry (she is looking out the window and saw the neighbor, Harry, pull in his driveway).


Nicole said...

This is hilarious! ANd the pictures top it right off..I am cracking up!

holly said...

Too funny! That girl is awesome!!

Stacy said...

Love it! Tessa is great! And the outfit is awesome!

Brenda said...

LMAO...truly made my day.

Kids rule! Am I insane to want at least 4, maybe more?!