Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Meet Josie

Wow, this whole interview your child thing has really taken off. I didn't know I came up with such a great idea!! I love reading all about your kids, and I hope you aren't finding mine too boring. I am glad I have given you SAHM's something to do for 1/2 hour of your day!! So with all do respect, I introduce my wild child, maniac, too funny, off the wall, spitting image of her father......Josie Leigh: (oh yeah, new song in the upper right corner, for a new child...hit it!!)

1. Favorite color: black (wohhh...gothic?)

2. Favorite food: granola bar (and a tree hugger too yet)

3. Favorite thing to do with mommy: go to the park

4. Favorite thing to do with daddy: take a walk to the sand dunes (ok, b/c we live about 1/2 hour from any sand dunes.)

5. Favorite thing to play: bike (schwins or Harleys...according to #1, I question if she means Harleys)

6. Favorite think to do in school: play with blocks (I pay $2,000 a year in tuition to do something at school that you call "boring" at home?)

7. Favorite clothes: pink heart sweatsuit (yes, she wears this until it can stand up on its own)

8. Birthday: Sept. 5 (beep...Aug. 5---I will give it to you though, since at least you had the number correct)

9. Age: 4

10. Which sibling do you like the best and why?: Thys, because he's cool

11. What do you want to be when you grow up: a painter (a painter?)

12. If you could drive anything, what would you drive? motorcycle (see, she has Harley Babe written all over her)

13. Would you rather have a kitty or a lion for a pet: lion (guarentee she is the only girl that would choose a lion over a cute little kitty)

14. Favorite tv show: WonderPets

15. Favorite song: Every Move I Make (on my Harley...)

16. Favorite thing to do in the summer: ride my bike (oh, and can she ever ride it...we cringe when we see her come flying down the hill on the sidewalk no handed--yikes!)

17. How much money are you going to make when you grow up: $15 (won't buy you a Harley honey)

18. How many kids are you going to have: 1 (she is concerned with population growth--nice nuclear family.)

19. How many bedrooms will your house have then: 7 ( not on $15 a year honey)

20. Who are you going to marry?:I'm not doing that one...(ok then)

21. Who will you live by when you grow up: myself (yup, can't argue with that one)


christina said...
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christina said...

hi tina, it's christina from the workshop. your work is beautiful!!! i have so much to learn...your work is inspiring. :)

Lynell Shooks said...

you crack me up - I think your responses are funnier than theirs...maybe it's the combination!