Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Girl Power

I just read an article out of Yahoo News regarding some environmental pollutant that is making male frogs turn female. Do you think we could slip a little--not too much--of that pollutant into our husbands breakfast in the morning?? I have a funny feeling that my house would be more picked up, the dishes would be put in the dishwasher and not thrown in the sink, I would no longer have to do the ironing (my biggest pet peeve), the kids' clothes would match on days I am not there to get them dressed, I could go shopping with my hubby on "date night", I could watch unlimited chick flicks, the toilet would always be clean, the list could be endless. I am curious where to get that pollutant? Hmmm....and I wonder why this pollutant isn't making frogs go from female to male?--Could it possible be that females are the dominate gender, or that God knows what this world needs more of??? Hmmm....

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