Saturday, November 18, 2006

Girls Got It Right!

I was listening in on a conversation between Thys and Josie this afternoon. Dean had mentioned earlier in the afternoon, to Thys, that if he wanted to he could go with daddy to a friends house to watch the U of M football game with him. So, during this conversation, Thys was telling Josie (trying to make her jealous) that HE got to go with daddy, and SHE did not. To which Josie replied, "Thys, girls don't go to football games, they go to Target." That's my girl. I have definetly trained her right and have exceeded my motherly duties.


Anonymous said...

You definately trained her well! You can feel good about your parenting!

Michelle said...

What did our mom's do without Target? Oh wait, they had K-mart.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Target. How I miss you.

Anonymous said...

I'll give Josie an AMEN on that. Girls do go to Target!