Monday, September 18, 2006

I've Been Tagged

I am new to this whole tagging business. I have never heard of it, and saw that it was going around and thought that I had avoided it. But, thanks to Michelle (thanks)-here it goes. I have to list 5 weird things about myself (I don't know if I can shorten it to just 5).

1. I LOVE to change poopie diapers. The messier the better. I think it is the whole satisfaction I get when I am done. I am a visual type of person. I like to see my progress and how clean their little bums look after it is all cleaned up. Or maybe the fact that I have done it probably 50 thousand times by now that I am totally immune to it.

2. Before I go to bed at night (no matter if it is 2am.), I have to have EVERYTHING in the house picked up and put in its place. I think I got this one from my mom. Dean thinks it is O.C.D. (hmmm). From the bathroom to the kitchen to the living room, everything has to be put away and picked up.

3. I am addicted to cutting my kids toe and fingernails. I am a freak about seeing white on them and dirt in them. They all know when it's nail cutting time. They all line up in a row and I just go down the row--first toenails and then fingernails. I have come to believe that they like it (hehe).

4. I have a weird stress reliever. I bake. If I get stressed out, the first thing I feel I have to do is whip up some cookie dough. The problem is, is that once the dough is done and I have had a few bites, I don't want any. Dean doesn't eat cookies, so guess who ends up eating them just b/c she is too dutch to have cookies sitting there going bad?

5. I am repulsed by apple pie, unless it has ice cream with it. I cannot stand plain apple pie, but if it has ice cream with it it is my favorite dessert. I could eat loads of apple pie ala mode--but plain, I could not take one bite.

i haven't figured out the whole putting someone's name in highlights thing yet, so i cannot pass on the tag. Which I'm sure is just fine with everyone!!


Michelle said...

can you say OCD??

kidding, I like to have things picked up before bed too, it just makes the next morning start out easier. of course then it is trashed in 30 seconds.

Dana said...

I can only dream of waking up to a clean apartment. Although since we've moved, I'm much better at having a place for everything and everything in its place.

Michelle said...

OCD for sure. You'd die if you saw my house at night!

Um, ice cream on anything is pretty disgusting. I actually thought I should have put that as one of my weird things. I don't like ice cream on any kind of dessert. Ice cream needs to be served by itself. Cake, pie, brownies - they need to be served plain. I know - WEIRD!!!