Tuesday, February 05, 2008


We'll just say this post if for the grandma's, and anyone else who likes to see my kids ALL the time. I apologize for those of you who log onto my blog to read some whitty horror story of what my life is like with 4 kids, only to find pictures of my children post after post. And half naked kids at that--can you start to see the trend here with Tessa's pictures? I told you she would prefer to be naked than clothed--a little something I think she inherited from her daddy!! (just kidding honey--actually, no I'm not--I don't lie). You see, my life is now what I consider--boring--. I am bored, my kids are bored--doesn't make for a good combo. We literally sat around all day today just looking at eachother. I guess boring is a good thing right--no major catastrophies, no running around with our heads cut off, no drama. Our days consist of driving to school and back, with kids music playing in the background, and mommy still contimplating running the car off the road while I hear the shrieking sounds of pre-pubecent voices cracking and wonder how these kids ever got a music deal. Mommy stopping at Starbuck's WAY to often, to reward myself for......umm....just reward myself--who needs a reason, right!!! Making lunches--which seem to rotate between only 3 different items now since the kids have totally eliminated anything that doesn't have processed meat in it, or doesn't crunch like a potato chip. Yes, we believe in healthy eating around here! Ha! This leaves us with hot dogs, chicken nuggets, and chips, maybe cheese curls. Then we start to stare at eachother again, until I finally take out the camera. You see, I need to take these pictures day after day, just so that my kids don't stare too long at my face and start to point out every blemish and wrinkle that I have acquired since their birth. And then, I need to share these pictures with all of you, because well it takes some time to post and edit them, which gives me something to do for about half hour. You see, you are allowing me to spice up my day a bit by taking time to share these with you. And of couse, I believe they are the cutest darn things ever, even though you think yours are cuter--you do, don't you--don't lie!! So, just flatter me--let me post picture after picture, let me take that half hour out of my day, away from having staring contests with the kids. You'll be doing me a huge favor!!


holly said...


I think your kids are gorgeous and I miss seeing them every week. Keep on posting!!

Sonny Huisman said...

Oh my word! I laughed out loud at that post! You're hilarious!

This stage of our life is a bit monotonous, what with the carpools, and "the same lunch every day" syndrome. It's a good thing we have Starbucks and blogging to pull us through!

Blog on girlfriend, blog on!