Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Preschool Report

Elli came home today with her Preschool Assessment Report. I am having a hard time right now not taking things personally, and it is bugging me. Ever since Elli was born, she has always hit every milestone early--rolling over, crawling, walking, TALKING, etc... I don't say this to brag... Anyway, this assessment that was brought home today, lists Elli as completely "average" for a 4 year old. She is right where she should be at this point in preschool. She of course has some areas she is advanced in--hopping, skipping, turns around without falling, stikes a moving object (all things Dean will contribute to his DNA I am sure), sustaining a conversation (another one I think she got from her daddy), sorting similiar objects, and counting. But, the ones I am having a hard time swallowing are the ones that she is delayed in a bit--expressing emotion, moving or placing an object as requested, identifying words in her environment (stop, exit, etc..), and understanding position words (behind, in front of, under, ect...). I am taking this personally. Why? Does any other mother have this problem? I feel like I have let Elli down, by not teaching her these things, or not recognizing that she didn't do these things. And I know that she is SO COMPLETELY NORMAL., but then why is it bugging me? I found myself, at lunch today, quizing Elli on these things--I know, why? I asked her to tell me if the sun was under us or over us. She got it right!! I asked her what she felt like when someone says not so nice things to her---she said sad. She got it right!! I asked her to take her plate to the sink--She got it right!! I wrote 3 words on a piece of paper (exit, stop, fire). I asked her to point to the word "stop". She didn't know this one!! I stopped myself from doing more, b/c I new this was silly. Why was I thinking that my daughter needed to excel in all the areas? Why was I shocked to read that she was "very average"? Wouldn't a lot of parents be thrilled to learn that their child was average. UGGG!! Anyways, just a little venting today, and a little "self-checking" on my part. And a little lesson in humility. Thank you God!

1 comment:

Sonny Huisman said...

I so often feel the same way. It's almost like you're in an unannounced competition with the moms around you or something.

However, the passing of the little 5 year old from our church has helped me put things back in perspective. We're ahead of the game because we have healthy, happy children who love Jesus. Ultimately, there is nothing more important than that!

You are doing a fabulous job with your kids I'm sure. More important than knowing above, below or STOP is knowing Jesus and his love for you! I'm sure Elli knows that!