Thursday, October 26, 2006


I was going through our old pictures on the computer today , and came across these of Josie and Tessa. I must have thought that standing up by the dishwasher was cute or something, b/c I have one of each of them. (Although the one of Josie is a fleeting memory, I do remember taking the one of Tessa -my mind isn't that bad yet.) Anyway, the ironic thing is , after I started looking harder, I realized that they were both at the exact same age when I took these photos--both were 7 months old. They both have that elated look on their faces of , "look mom, a new trick!" It's fun to see how they all resemble eachother. If history repeats itself, my baby will be walking in just 2 weeks!! I'll keep you posted. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Sweet little faces:)

Michelle said...

simply adorable. Now, quit making me want to have more babies!!!!!