Monday, August 28, 2006


I should just insert my face into this picture, b/c this is exactly how I am going to feel this upcoming season. I just got done reading an article in The Grand Rapids Press regarding the up and coming fashions. I knew I shouldn't have read it. I new right from the title--"Look Cool For School". Now I am totally depressed. So they say the new fashions are basically what I wore in the 6th grade. Tight jeans, preferably with zippers at the ankles--(just what I need, something to show off every little "leftover" I have after 4 kids-and who called up the 80's hotline?). The tighter the ankle on your jeans the better (ok, there goes the 4 new pair of jeans I bought with flare legs last winter). Ballet type flats (that would be fine, if I didn't buy like 3 or 4 pointy toe boots last year since that was the style). Leggings under mini skirts to go along with those flats. (don't they realize that it snows in Michigan, and some of us have to haul kids in and out of the house--I would fall right on my butt, but I guess I would have that mini skirt to help pad the fall huh?). Multiple layers on top of more layers--preferably longer shirts with shorter vests over the shirt (so in other words, the hotter the better, which = the sweatier and more odor to go along with the odor of formula spit up on everything I own already--lovely picture).

So I am now declaring.... 2006: The year I lost all fashion sense. I have wondered for some time now, at what age do you make that transition from "hip" clothes to, I guess I will just say "mom" clothes? I still feel like I could walk the halls of my old highschool and no one would know I don't belong (although my mom told me, ever so boldly, "Umm, I wouldn't say that."--thanks for the boost mom). I liked the fact that I owned a few pieces of clothing that high school girls would be envious of. I like to think that others looked at me as a "hip mom". Well, I guess the fashion industry made that decision for me--thanks!!

I cannot get myself to believe that I will squeeze me left thigh into those skinny jeans, or sweat my head off with 3 shirts on just for fashion. (although that would be good if Tessa spits on the top shirt, I still have 2 "reserve" ones). It is depressing me to see those 4 new pairs of flare, distressed jeans sitting in my drawer (that I honestly was looking forward to wearing this winter--since I thought they were SOO cool), those 3 pairs of pointy toe shoes, and to think that according to the fashion world--I am OUT!! So, no longer that image in my head of the hip, instyle, envy of teenagers 30 something,--no, I am now (and probably always will be from here on out) a few steps closer to this photo! Depressing--...


Dana said...

So, a few words.
#1. Tina, you are one hot mama and most of us would give our right arm for your left thigh. Er, well, you know what I mean.
#2. As my friends Clinton and Stacey say, you're 30 years old, don't even think about shopping in the juniors department! Rise above trends and wear things that are enduringly fashionable and flattering (i.e. pointy toe shoes). Trends are dumb. And yes, I'm just saying that to make myself feel better about having zero trendy things in my wardrobe.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the Units store to reopen in the mall!

Anonymous said...

I think we’re ok wearing flare leg jeans and pointy shoes until the only place we can buy them is from the back of the Sunday paper coupon flyer…the ones that currently advertise polyester pants and the thick rubber soled beige shoes.

If you had to name one item that you absolutely loved from the 80s, what would it be? I think mine was the banana clip. A close second would be shoulder pads. Raise your hand if you had a cropped t-shirt with shoulder pads sewn in.

Tina said...

I think I would have to say the rainbow pinstripe jeans with the yolk--hot!!

Michelle said...

Tina, great post, I have purusing the fashion mags lately and have noticed the trends you speak of. YOU of all people could pull of skinny jeans. They are not as bad as they look. I bought up a pair of blackish ones at Target and they aren't completely disgusting--just a little.

Michelle said...

Favorite 80s fashions:

Big Belts

Ankle Boots--I do think these are cute though.

Long Sweaters to cover up my backside and make my look pregnant all at once!


Sonny Huisman said...

Hey Tina,

Chelle told me about this blog entry, and I've got to tell you, I couldn't have written it better myself! In fact, I may link this blog entry to my blogsite!

I just went shopping with my high school girlfriends last week, and we had the exact same conversation!

I too have declared Fall of 2006 to be when I have lost all fashion sense!

You know, even if we did succumb to the fashionistas out there and bought the leggings with mini-skirt combo, the only thing we would be acheiving is the fact that we are 30 something 'moms' trying to look like teenagers - that's totally NOT cool!

So I have decided to embrace my flare jeans - in fact, I just bought another pair of flare-bottomed Silvers at Maurices on Saturday! I've also decided to embrace the fact that I AM a mom - NOT a teenager . . . and, I think, overall, being a 30 something mom is MUCH better than being a big-headed, think-you-know-it-all, the-world-revolves-around-me, skinny-butted teenager.