Friday, February 01, 2008

Grant Me Patience

Ok---these snow days can end like NOW!!! God has only blessed me with so much patience. That patience meter is almost in the **DANGER** zone.

"Mother Nature, please think of my children's safety from their mother when you consider sending us more snow. Rethink the fact that you may be sending us more this way."
Thank you,
A desperate SAHM


holly said...

Sorry T, my prayers must be stronger than yours. Being a mom that works at a school, I LOVE SNOW DAYS!! I must say that I dont like the thought of going to school over the 4th of July so they can stop now. We have maxed out our days. Ahhh, Michigan winters!!

Samantha said...

AMEN SISTER!!! Quinn told me about your post today and because he's heard the same things from me for the last 3 days, said "You know, you and Tina need to send all of the kids out to play in the snow and sit inside and drink coffee or something." He was quite amused and I was quite proud of the fact that it wasn't just coming from me :) I wish they truly understood!!!! I was a little insane myself today and took the kids to the mall to play and eat lunch...I was that get out and drive for 40 plus minutes in crazy weather, just to be out of the house!!! I am definitely ready to have a normal week again!!!