Friday, January 18, 2008


My kids talk a lot!! I was in the car this morning, contemplating running the car off the road. First, I get the:
"Can we listen to kids music?"
Which to me, raises my blood pressure just hearing those words--why do all kids CD's have to be so "shrilly"?
Then, after putting on the music, I get (from a 2 year old):
"Up mommy, up!!"--said in a shrill double the octave of the music. She wants the music LOUDER!!
After the mommy turns it up to make the 2 year old happy I get the boy thinking he needs to ask me every question about the rules of the road. He thinks he knows all the rules, and ends each statement with,
"Right mommy?"
I'm not answering him, b/c as noted earlier the music is LOUD to satisfy the 2 year old, who is continuing to yell.
"Up mommy, up"--no, we have never had her hearing checked, but maybe we should.
Then the boy decides that he is going to cry, b/c he feels neglected that the mommy is not applauding his knowledge of the road rules, and bursts into a full blown crying fit, equipped with:
"You never listen to me, you only like to listen to girls!!"
I say,
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you. I am not ignoring you, I just can't hear you over the LOUD music".
All this said still over the 2 year old yelling,
"Up mommy, up."
The boy obviously didn't hear my apology, because he continues to cry and blame my deafness on the fact that I DO NOT like boys, only girls.
I turn the music down, much to the protest of the 2 year old, only to begin a conversation that was so random, it caused to me take out a receipt from my purse and write down all of the subjects my kids covered in a 10 mile stretch on the highway:
The subjects were as follows: (remember--all this in 10 minutes)

  • Josie does not want to be buried when she dies, b/c then she won't be able to get out when Jesus comes again.
  • Josie reminds Thys that when she was younger, she liked to pick up bugs out of the slider and eat them. (Yes, this is true)
  • Thys proceeds to tell Josie that coyotes never sleep--they are awake all the time hunting their prey---random.
  • Thys takes his shoes off and decides to let everyone know that there is little black "flakes" between his toes, and they are meant to be there, so that he has something to play with in the car when he gets bored.
  • Thys and Josie discuss the fact that when it snows, there should not be bits of grass poking up through the snow, b/c then it means it hasn't snowed enough yet--yes, very confusing!
  • Josie wonders why we have to pass big trucks all the time. (Yes, I admit that I tend to have a lead foot).
  • Thys and Josie ask me why I always have to drink coffee in the car. (I didn't tell them that they are to blame for this one--I need the energy only coffee can give).
  • Both ask why we need a new grocery store in Dorr. (Yes, we are finally getting a grocery store with more than 5 aisles, and it is very exciting buzz).

I stopped listening and writing after this point, b/c again the 2 year old must have gotten sick of hearing the babble of them as well, b/c from behind my head I hear:

"Up mommy, up".

Are they ever quiet?


Brenda said...

LMAO! Real life is more hilarious than fiction...keep writing and amusing!

Michelle said...

And to think that you only had 3 of your kids in the car...

Tina said...

Oh believe me, I was thinking that very thing as I was crawling out of my skin this morning in the car--and the one gone is the biggest chatterbox of all.

Nicole said...

The kids music is a head-ache in the making! I have eliminated it, as of a year ago...The turning point was when I got in the car for a hair appt....I was all by myself and LOVING it!...It was only until I was almost to the salon that I realized I had been jamming to "Fruit Salad" (The Wiggles)...I couldn't believe it!

Stacy said...

Ahh...good old kids music. You know you've got bad when you actually download the Doodlebops and VeggieTales for your kids to listen to. Yes, I admit I did that. I am insane I think.