Saturday, July 14, 2007

It Goes So Fast!!

I rarely ever carry cash with me. I find that if I carry cash, I spend more. I do use my debit card too often, but I think if I had cash, I would spend more than when I don't. That being said, I had for a grand total of 4 hours on Friday, $150.00 in cash in my wallet. Probably the most cash I have carried around in years. I had a garage sale Thursday and Friday. Not the most successful garage sale, being I only made $150.00, but it's more than I started with, and it was a good way to get all the "stuff" out of my house that I have been collecting over the last year. I counted the money, split it with my friend who had the garage sale with me, and within 4 hours was grocery shopping. Many hours of sorting, pricing, and setting up clothes = ONE grocery bill. How sad!! Money gone, wallet empty, but 6 tummies well fed.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

You are a better woman than me. I would have found something to spend the money on for myself! But I wholeheartedly agree with you that it goes TOO fast.