Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Happy 5th Birthday Elli

My Little Miss Elliana turned 5 today. I cannot believe that I have a 5 year old. It honestly just seems like yesterday, that I was in the hospital anticipating the birth of our 1st baby. I was 14 days overdue, and couldn't get her out fast enough at that point. After a LONG day of induced labor, around 10:30pm they decided to do a c-section. Out she came, 20 minutes later. Weighing in at a hefty 8lbs. 9oz. She was perfect in everyway. And I can say without a doubt, she is the most caring, laid back, helpful, sweet, little girl I could ask for. I absolutly love having her around during the day to entertain and be the best "babysitter" I know.
Elli's pre-school was cancelled today because of the Blizzard of '07, so we packed up the troops and headed over to the cousins house to hang out, as I said earlier. Auntie Kristin made a yummy cake for us for our snack. When Dean got home, we headed over to McDonald's for 99cent Happy Meal night (every Tues. night--great deal for us Hollanders), and then picked up a movie for the kids to watch when we got home. Tomorrow, the family is coming over for presents and cake, which Elli has been anticipating since 10 sleeps ago!!

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1 comment:

tami said...

I am Michelle Dielemans cousin and friend. I saw that we have a daughter with the same name. We have a Eliana who we also call Elli. That is the first time I have seen that, you must have really good taste.