Monday, February 05, 2007

Confessions of a SAHM!!

I have been tagged by Chelle. Here it goes--

  • My one year old daughter gets most of her daily calories picking up what is left on the floor from the other 3 kids meals--who needs a dog right!
  • At "rest time"--1:00pm, I send the oldest 3 down to the basement for a movie, while Tessa is nappping. I have been known to prop a chair in front of the basement door, so that I get my "30 minutes" of uninterrupted "sanity time" without kids pretending they have to go to the bathroom 10 times in 30 minutes. They tend to pound, but you can't hear what you can't see right? (please don't call social services!! I promise its done out of love).
  • I let my kids climb all over the kitchen table. This started when the twins were little -and at that time I was in "survival mode"--so I let it go with them in order to have some peace and quiet. Now, I just am too lazy to break the habit. So, don't be alarmed if you invite our clan over, and they start to "surf" YOUR kitchen table--no harm done!!EEEKKK
  • My kids get warm milk every night before bed. Which wouldn't be a bad thing, except for the fact that I let them have it AFTER they have brushed their teeth. You would think that I--being a dental assistant--would be the last person to send my kids to bed with "milky teeth", but again, life is so much easier if we don't try to break those bad habits!!
  • I reuse dirty diapers. Hold on--hear me out!! If Tessa does the nasty in a totally dry diaper, I scoop the poop into the toilet and put the same diaper back on her. I started this tradition when the twins were born and I had 3 in diapers at one time. According to Dean and I, it was either reuse the diaper, or let one of them go hungry for the day. (kidding) Money was tight!! Don't tell me YOU haven't done it before?
  • I buy, almost exlusively, off-brand items at the grocery store. I am the Spartan queen. My kids don't even know what Fruit Loops are--to them it is Fruity O's. I figure I still have a few years left before my kids start asking for the name brands, so I might as well save the money now.
  • If my hands aren't shaking by 10:00, that means I have not had enough coffee yet that morning.--if you call me at 8am, I will already be on my 3rd or 4th cup.
  • I secretly would love to be on Nanny 911--I am just afraid for the whole world to see my "parenting tactics".
  • Last confession: no matter how many of you I have complained to about being a mother of 4--4 years old (almost 5) and under, I honestly treasure these 4 little people that God gave me everyday, and treasure the fact that I have an awesome husband who works his tail off so that I can be, even on these dreary, LONG, cabin-fever days, that SAHM (stay-at-home-mom).

Ok, now who to tag? I have this feeling my resources are all used up. May have to get back to you on that one!!

  • One more confession. I still do not know how to make a link with someone's name only and not their whole www.blah,blah,blah. Who can give me a quick tutorial?

Since Sonny was the first to answer my blogger question, she wins the prize of being tagged!! You didn't know you would be so lucky did you??


Sonny Huisman said...


On your new post screen, you'll see a little earth with a chain link on it.

Highlight the persons name, or the word you want the link attached to, then push the earth/link button, then type in the URL.

Sonny Huisman said...

I too have reused a dirty diaper . . . it comes in especially handy when you're out and about, and don't have any extras with you.

I also secretly wish the Super Nanny would come to my house! Being a mom is tough stuff!